

bittersweet symphony, my heart sings the lead and my mind got back up
fingertips plays the bass and emotions leave the group for stand up
tryna keep my band together but like my thoughts they just break up
and i`m anxious to fuck with you i guess thats why my legs are up

lions & tigers & bears ain`t got shit on what i`m afraid of
if i fall harder head first i hope you pull me back so i can keep my stance up
i`m afraid of fallin although this aint what it feels like
its pullin me under like hades grabbin` you from topside
pullin` at my heartstrings while i`m playin this symphony
i`m orchestrating myself carefully cause i don`t want it to get to me
i got my band learnin this new shit
this keep you close, don`t let you go,
love you til it's nothin you need to get off that ion` fuck with shit

too good on the top to stop you from puttin your heart in it
took you from gettin your foot wet in a puddle to nosediving off the deep end
now im tryna get you back but you`re beggin me to to come swim
the water feels good and i don`t need a hook for this shit
ion need to rescue you and you can quote me on this
"she might try to get inside your head but i dominate this shit"
bit by bit, while she only pecks at it
to make you want her so much that you`re drowning instead of floating

and now i`m jumping down off cloud nine to rid you from this bullshit
and my heart sings that 'la la la, la la la' shit while my fingers stroke my emotions back to this
coaxin em to spit out whats really good
how they really make you feel
how you know this shit is real
like its embedded in my thoughts and it comes out when its feelin` surreal
like stars behind my lids and whispers in my ear

and there goes my band again,
and i`m tryna get ready for the stage
tryna put myself back together piece by piece so i can play

i`m gettin myself back to square one so i can do right by you and won`t feel broken
so i can teach you how to swim, float, fuck, play this game, by the rules, play this band, and mostly focus...

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