
americas suitehearts

disclaimer; i do not write normal shit. you should know that by now. take a chance, get off that BULLSHIT that's been repeated for years, and try something interesting. I promise you won`t regret it. thnx :)


UNO ---- ascension

Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Yes, you read correctly, in some way, shape or form, the Earth (or at least a large portion of humans on the planet) will cease to exist. Stop planning your careers, don't bother buying a house, and be sure to spend the last years of your life doing something you always wanted to do but never had the time. Now you have the time, four years of time, to enjoy yourselves before… the end.

that was written years ago -- and now it's a reality. it's december 1st, 2012.. and in a little over two weeks, the world as we know it, will cease to exist.

We`ve all been living with this small sense of fear, minimized certainty in the back of our minds for years. Now that it's a reality, everything is crashing down when it has to be dealt with. Do you know what it feels like, for the end to be near? for it to crescent towards earth slowly, and to shift the balance of all that was once humane? For the axis of good and evil to tilt, slowly, and for the world to become nothing like what you imagined it ever could have been?

This is what we have now grown accustomed to; what once was something out of fairy tales and nightmares.. have now become reality..

+ + +

I have no clock. No watch. No device to inform me of what time it is as I lay in this hallowed out vending machine, waiting. My original plan -- fuck both sides, just wallow in the median and take whatever comes to get me. For some reason, I`ve awakened from my hiding spot, from my place where I've sought subterfuge; where nobody can come get me, and I`m left to fend for myself.

I just don`t see it as a reality anymore, but in moments, I know that i`ll need to decide. I`ll need to figure out what to do, what to go, how to get out of here, before someone else decides my fate for me.

Still, I don`t know what time it is, but I know crunch-time is in effect. The streets are empty, and sound is only coming from two directions: above, and below. I would be a damned fool to not pick a side, a choice, a direction to go in, knowing that I don`t have that much time left and my decision would be my final one. However, the pressure does nothing to speed up that process. I`m still moving slowly. Still trying to figure out the choice I want to make, with only one window of opportunity to seriously flee this as far east as I can, giving me a little more time to decide.

As I push the heavy front panel away, the springs and coils from what once held expired snacks and stale gum hours before push and embed into my skin, giving me cuts and lacerations that I only shake off, knowing there's really nowhere for me to get to find water clean enough to clean it up with, but at this point, why would it matter?

My eyes adjust to empty streets and pulsating lights. My ears adjust to a mixture of loud gospel music and something that sounds like a live rendition of a Metallica song who's name I can`t recall right now, and I exhale, squinting, trying to regulate my body quick enough to make an exit, an escape, to gather focus so I can find a clock. I need the time, and I need it fast. As my eyes search, from abandoned banks with broken windows, to drive through lanes with mangy animals scrounging through windows against hungry and starving people for whatever was left in the fryer; I still need the time....

and then, I find it. Floating across the sky, maybe no more than two blocks away from where I am now, on one of those blimps that came from the Calitopia, which randomizes between NINE, FIFTY, FOUR am, and THE LORD IS MY SHEPARD. The presence of the clock gave birth to the notion that time lies outside our bodies. Telepathy directs synchronicity, and synchronicity is how we experience telepathy. With that being said, with crunch-time impending in a near two hours and fifteen minutes, linking up, synchronizing, might be the only way I get out of here.

It's crunch time -- literally. And you only have five hours, starting at seven am and ending at eleven am, then again at seven pm and ending at eleven pm if there's anyone around, and they go by pretty quickly. Either you escape, or you suffer the consequences. However, five hours go by so quickly, and that's how long you all have, to prepare -- either you go upwards, or you settle downwards. It's really hard to explain, it's something you`ll be better off observing...

I`ve found myself now in California. Remember California? It's nothing like the shopping metropolis and Hollywood laden town it used to be maybe two years ago. It's filled with blackouts, riots, sporadic earthquakes, and mass hysteria -- just like every other major state. The coastal states have it the worse. Between the earthquakes, and the tidal waves, they have the quickest departure time -- and it`s rough trying to brace the waves to get away. You could get sucked up by a tidal wave, or you could get caught in a whirlpool and never make it anywhere, but in a sense that's better than... incinerating, right?


For the past five months, since the turn of fall, thanks to the Mayans being right, it's been fucked up outside. Skeptics, like myself, didn`t believe in the whole bullshit about the world ending in 2012 --- until the signs started to make everyone, including me, resent even doubting the thoughts. Now nobody has a fucking clue what to do, and leaving it up to renegade bands and citizens to try and make something out of nothing, well you end up in fucked up situations and randomly instilled rules that change on the daily and can change at any moment, leaving everything in a sense of just all out chaos.

Like, the checkpoints from one city to the next one, the corner baptisms, the installed vending machines that sell holy water vials for three dollars, the goth infested underground parking lots, the extremely rogue police force, and the constant 'jesus calls' shouted out of windows from any building over three stories high.

I need to move, and fast. I don`t have that much time left to find somewhere to go, I just need to get to New York. If I can get to New York, I`ll be fine --- until then, escapism is the name of the game, and I hold the high score. My biggest issue now is, crossing the border from Baldwin Hills back towards the city, the danger-zone, but it's something I need to do.

Since the government decided to take over, those fucking checkpoints you see like in horror movies and read about in science fiction novels, are everywhere. They`re boarding major streets, making transportation hard, but people will be risking their lives to drive in certain areas anyway; it's not like simply anyone can find themselves in the designated calitopian buildings anyway, and right now that's the safest place for me.

Humanity has seemed to become split into two major groups: those destined to ascend, and those who've been written to burrow. The groups, the children in the stars -- who've branded everyone who's descended from any sense of church going family ever in the history of their lineage with stars on the back of their necks -- and the children of nod -- who've branded everyone who's had any sense of a record or a crime in their life with skull markers on their hands -- quite like those days when you had markers on your hands from late night parties; have been rampant, all over, staking their territory and their claim, gathering their followers by the masses, in no fear of what would come next, or worrying about escapism at all.

But after flashing my neck, the three studded stars that have rested there for years, gets me through the threshold of the block, and now I`m calculating my next move, until I find myself standing in a zone filled with churches and converted townhomes that's turned this block into a religious hotbed. The building i`m standing outside of now has been blessed with a banner that hangs out the window that reads, "We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding now as synchronicity coordinates the Whole living Universe."

I`d be wasting my time trying to get into one of those prayer-ridden, all white buildings, where they expect you to recite genesis like it's the only thing you have in your mental Rolodex, to praise god at given command and hope that you`ve washed away enough sins to ascend with the rest of the world when the time comes.

Honestly, I have no choice, but even with that, i`m conflicted. It's not like it`ll be cool for me to hide in someone's home until they made their decision and just run with them. As time ticks closer and closer towards eleven, people lose their minds, and the influence of these uber-religious fanatics, it's even worse.

The mere mention of 'being sent to hell' alone sends people on mental trips, making them drown themselves in sin inside of bathtubs, and inside of small lakes and fountains. It's just all fucked up. I don`t know what to do. I just know I need to get the fuck in a safe place, and fast...

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