
he's my president, your president: OUR president.

well, it`s been a little over a month since obama has been sworn into office, and.. people will remember the day when obama won for the rest of their lives. A lot of first time voters will be able to say that they played a part in the election of the historical forty-fourth president regardless as to who they voted for. For many people this is a step forward that we have needed to get through for the longest, and YES WE CAN, AND YES WE DID.

I`m happy. I`m happy now and as a democrat, I would have been happy regardless as to who won, whether it was against Clinton VS McCain or Obama VS McCain because either way -- lets face it, democrats we had this in the bag -- sooo, we were gonna make history. That was apparent. But the way some of the McCain supporters have started to take this into consideration is giving the whole US a relapse -- do we really need this hatred? For real? NO. So, GTFOH. Just stop, seriously.

He`s won, it`s not the end, trust -- it`s the beginning and the start of something that has been a long time coming and years in the making. 2012 (if the world doesn`t end that is, but that`s another post for another time...)-- lets shoot for a re-election, and even then there will be more eligble votes who want to make history happen once again -- but for right now... lets all just sit back and realize that what is about to go down WILL change the way people look at america, no matter the effect -- we`ve made history, and it will be in the history books, people with children born on this day and who celebrate their birthday will have that day marked in many books and moments for years to come, and no matter what you think you can do to change or downplay it, in the back of your mind, it`s there...

people who have lost faith in the goverment actually came out and voted in one of the biggest turnouts in years. around the world support and excitement is larger than it has been for an US based situation in a long time, and it`s fairly all positive. kenya is gonna have a holiday in obama`s honor. kids in indonesia were escatic that he won. non-american support was CRAZY -- people around the world had faith in this man and that shows SO MUCH about the way that he`s being viewed worldwide. the respect, the support, the belief, the honor: all says something. nelson mandela WROTE THE MAN A LETTER, now c`mon thats just crazy...

as a voter, be happy. be more than happy. you`ve made history, no matter what your part played was, who you voted for, how you felt once it was all said and done. Can`t we just all be happy and realize that we`ve made the starting steps to change things? Hopefully...

Feel free to comment if you feel like this applies to you, because we did it..

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