
get to know me with..a survey!

so, if you know me.. which you probably do, probably don`t, it`s okay.. i`m markeeshia. i don`t really like being called that, therefore i enjoy being called keeshii [key-she].

um, *WARNING* i use a lot of profanity... um, so...just a heads up..
i mean, we`re all mature right? i hope so. :)

um, this blog is being used for creative writing journal entries, everyday sporadic things that i just *NEED* to get out of my head, interesting books i`ve read and so on...i`m pretty sure i`ll edit like one entry seven times a day. but hey! you don`t know that much about me and you`re reading this so therefore... i come bearing gifts!

well no, not really. a list of random things that`ll get you to know me better.. maybe.

Nine things about myself:

9. i`m too.. unaffected by certain things. most things that`ll pull most people down doesn`t hit me as hard for some reason.

8. i cry because i love him and.. it's faulty. when i`m sad, i sing. through all the crying and shit, i think i sound pretty damned good.

7. i listen to the same stuff a lot. if you left me in the room with the radio on 100.3 the beat [or any related hip/hop && rap station], i probably couldn`t name the song that i was listening to.

6. i`m twenty and i still feel about seventeen or so.

5. the simple things make me so proud, and baby you`re number 1, even withcho 'ummmin`' ass lol. :)

4. if you ever find me crushing or liking you in any way, and we actually talk and i don`t repress it, you`ve gained a lifelong supportive friend. but it doesn`t work if YOU`RE crushing ON ME because i seem to get smothered once the crush is revealed and it really pisses me off..

3. i drink ketchup. straight out the bottle. or like, with food in my mouth. LMFAO. too much burns though. fucking lycopene.

2. i am not a tpain / soulija boy fan. if there was any two people i could put in a rocketship and send to orbit the fourth farthest away galaxy they could make it to, they`d be crammed in there quicker than they could make another fucking song. however, i will tolerate t-pain before soulja boi.

1. i don`t get you, but i love you, and i`m gonna be there for you no matter how this goes. i promise.

Eight ways to peak my interest.
8. entertain me.
7. make me smile. [which isn`t as hard as you might think it is.]
6. touch my arm, or brush against me. :)
5. smell awesome. i`m like an animal for awesome scents.
4. be there for me.
3. support me & respect me.
2. keep my interest.
1. need me. ;)

i want/need/am/are:
1. man, i want to write books, or be an english teacher. i really wanna be an english teacher, my um.. 'line of profession' has changed like 302562750 times. but i really wanna teach.. like, elementary school kids because they make me smile, omg i love kids lol

2. i`m a tomboy, i like climbing.. playing in the snow.. skateboarding, painting.. tryna officially be a part of the driving community but i`m scared the moment i get a license i`m either gonna get lost going somewhere simple or i`m gonna get into a car accident so i`m like very hesitant..

3. i`m very very repetitive, but never boring. like i can watch the same stuff every night, headbang to the same playlists, wear the same pair of earrings, but i`m not afraid to try new things & i`m sure they`ll most likely fall into my cycle of repetitiveness.

4. i`m always going somewhere with intentions of doing something then forget WTF i`m going somewhere for in the first place.. but it hasn`t been happening as frequently as it used to.

5. Um, I have colourphobia. and it`s serious as fuck, so I don`t joke around with it. My future children will never experience the so called 'joy' of the circus or a c-l-o-w-n at their earlier birthday parties because I WILL FUCKING SPAZZ ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE.

allllright so! i have a lot of stuff to do to this, configuring and whatnot.

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